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GameStop Bull Market Catalyst | Web3 Under Attack | To Click Bait or NOT to Click Bait



Published on
June 8, 2024
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Show Notes:


  1. First up, Gamestop is back on the market!
  2. Next, A.I. is advancing to the point where it can teach young kids MATH!!!
  3. Then, weave in our honest reflections and predictions on market cycles
  4. and Finally, Clickbait in the Crypto Market, the good and the bad.

Will and Iman discuss Roaring Kitty's return discussing the value of meme stocks and why a goal helps motivate and propel meme value capturing the attention of every day people. They discuss the components that make a meme successful and uncover the intricacies required for attention to spread. AI is another topic continuing to make progress that will impact everyone. Could it be the next technological wave that affects every business that exists? Predictions for the next market cycle is always a natural talking point as they rationalize what they think is going to happen next. Finally they discuss the importance of keeping up with the Youtube game with clickbait. Why sometimes its a necessary tactic to capture the most attention while at the same time bring value to the viewer in a responsible way.