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Memecoin and Influencer Toxicity | Can DMT Overcome Web3 Bleak Sentiment?!



Published on
June 8, 2024
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Show Notes:


  1. First up, discuss the current state of crypto markets and the mass delusional state backing the importance of meme culture
  2. Next, are meme influencers hurting the crypto space as a whole?
  3. Then, discuss the importance of DMT and non-arbitrary tokens and how they can potentially influence market sentiment
  4. and Finally, can the idea of Bitcoin data utilization for token generation captivate the minds of the people similar to how early day NFTs did?

Will and Iman discuss the current state of crypto markets and the mass delusional state backing the importance of meme culture and the dissolution of utility driven initiatives in web3. Ultimately are meme influencers and tokens hurting the crypto space as a whole? Or is this just a separate sector of importance that has no influence on the progression of web3 innovation and potentially will be used for good to drive more interest and participants toward projects with more substance. 

We then discuss the importance of DMT and non-arbitrary tokens and how they can potentially influence market sentiment given wider adoption. In a market where inspirational innovations are largely lacking, can the idea of Bitcoin data utilization for token generation captivate the minds of the people similar to how early day NFTs did?