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Redacted Launch Delay Explained | The State of Bitmap



Published on
June 8, 2024
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Show Notes:


  1. First up, We recap the events of the last week leading up to what was supposed to be the Redacted launch
  2. Next, address minting issues After the test results for Mscribe, delay the launch for another week
  3. Then, walk through the individual tests and talk about a major debacle They had to overcome
  4. and Finally, reflect on the previous bear cycle and identify the similarities between then and now.

We recap the events of the last week leading up to what was supposed to be the Redacted launch. After the testing results the Mscribe team felt the need to delay the launch another week to refine the Blockpad experience and address minting issues. We walk through the individual tests and talk about a major debacle we had to overcome. We then discuss the process of Blockpad minting and speculate on the future evolution of it. 

Afterwards we reflect on the previous bear cycle and identify the similarities between then and now. Also, we discuss Bitmap and it’s stagnant state, emphasizing the need for more developers to step in to push the ecosystem forward.