May 20, 2019

Our first blog post on The Block Runner website. Here is where we'll discuss and explain all things crypto so you can stay ahead of all the new developments in the space. With so many developments and many new concepts to keep track of, we needed a place that will collect all that information and distill it into an easy to understand format.
The type of information you'll find in our blogs will include explanations on how crypto works, such as mining and hashing power to why you should even care about cryptocurrency as well as blockchain. We'll also explore some of the different cryptocurrencies that are out there and make our own commentary on what's happening within the space.
Please get in touch with us for any reason through the website or on twitter. Ask us any questions or come on the podcast to discuss any topic you wish. If you're a developer and want to shill your coin, you're welcome as well. We want to hear all sides on everything that's happening with the space.
Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter. We're working on a how-to-get-started guide with crypto so you'll be the first to receive it. Stay tuned for our weekly podcast as well as blog posts.